Mindset has positive and negative effects on students’ learning. This article discusses how to overcome the negative influence of mindset in the application of problem teaching. First, change the quantitative relationship in the question in time to prevent the impact of the subject matter, resulting in problem solving. In applied problem teaching, some teachers require the learning machine to repeatedly practice the same problem as the example problem in order to consolidate what they have learned in the class. This will cause the students to ignore the analysis of the quantitative relationship and solve the problem. The phenomenon. For example, Examples 3 and 4 on page 76 of Volume 5 of the fifth grade mathematics textbook are two applications for averaging. If, in teaching, after teaching cases 3 and 4, respectively, and only asked to practice exercises similar to cases 3 and 4, respectively, then the students have a fixed mindset in solving the problem. This kind of mindset is good for understanding and consolidating the solutions to the two types of averaging problems, but when the structure and quantity structure of topics change