以非无产阶级成分为主的党组织能不能建设成为一个无产阶级性质的政党 ,马克思主义并没有提供现成的答案。早期中共的建设为此走过不少弯路。毛泽东建党学说从国情出发 ,提出依靠着重从思想上建党 ,完全可以把非无产阶级成分为主的中共建设成为一个坚强的无产阶级政党 ,在理论和实践上都圆满地解答了这一问题。在改革开放的条件下 ,中共应该而且能够继续沿着这条道路 ,加强党的阶级基础 ,扩大执政基础。江泽民的“七一讲话”正是体现了这一精神。
Can a party organization that is dominated by non-proletarian elements be established as a proletarian political party and that Marxism does not provide readily available answers? The early construction of the CCP has gone through quite a few detours. Starting from the actual conditions of our country, Mao Zedong’s Party-building Theory proposed that this issue be satisfactorily solved both theoretically and practically by relying on focusing on ideological establishment and completely turning the CCP, which is not a proletarian element, into a strong proletarian party. Under the conditions of reform and opening up, the CPC should and can continue to follow this path, strengthen its party’s class foundation and expand its ruling foundation. Jiang Zemin’s “July 1 Speech” exactly reflects this spirit.