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一、国营大中型企业职工积极性现状分析职工的积极性一般具有以下特点:一是能动性。积极性作为一种心理状态,是受环境和外在因素影响的,但它又是职工主体心理意识的外在表现,具有主观能动性。这种主观能动性,又受着职工本身素质、成熟程度的制约。素质较高又比较成熟的职工,主观能动性强,积极性不易因外界影响产生大的波动,素质较低而不够成熟的职工,则容易受环境变化的影响,甚至受到批评、或在升级、评选先进、住房分配等问题上没有满足期望时,积极性就受到影响。二是变化性。职工的积极性是动态的,从总体看,总有一部分人积极性高,有一部分人积极性次之。从职工个体看,某一时期,某些人积极性高,在另一时期,另一些工作上积极性次之。客观环境复杂多变,职工的积极性也会受到外界影响而发生变化,如工作变动、人际关系、家庭矛盾等,都可能使职工的积极性受到影响,三是时代性。职工的积极性,往往带有强烈的时代色彩。如战争年代表现为不怕苦、不怕死、送子参军;社会主义建设时期,工作条件 First, the state-owned large and medium-sized enterprise workers enthusiasm analysis of the enthusiasm of workers generally have the following characteristics: First, initiative. As a psychological state, enthusiasm is affected by the environment and external factors, but it is also the external manifestation of the psychological consciousness of the employees, with subjective initiative. This kind of subjective initiative is constrained by the quality and maturity of the workers themselves. Higher quality and more mature workers, subjective initiative, enthusiasm is not easy because of the impact of major fluctuations in external influence, lower quality and less mature workers, are vulnerable to environmental changes, or even criticism, or upgrade, selection of advanced , Housing distribution and other issues did not meet expectations, the enthusiasm will be affected. Second, changeability. The enthusiasm of staff and workers is dynamic. Generally speaking, some people are always highly motivated and some are less motivated. From an individual worker’s point of view, during a certain period, some people are highly motivated, while in another period, others are less motivated. The objective environment is complex and changeable, and the enthusiasm of staff and workers will also be affected by the outside world. Changes such as job changes, interpersonal relationships and family conflicts may affect the enthusiasm of staff and workers and the third is the age. Workers enthusiasm, often with a strong sense of the times. Such as the war years showed no fear of suffering, not afraid of death, send their children to join the army; period of socialist construction, working conditions
<正> 近年来,通过对多栋已建成的建筑物观察发现,多数建筑物的女儿墙存在水平裂缝。水平裂缝一般产生在女儿墙砖砌体与屋面板板底相交处,特别是板底设有钢筋混凝土现浇圈梁或
The aim of this study is to compare the impacts of climate change on the potential productivity and potential productivity gaps of sunflower(Helianthus annuus),