The disease is still lack of good efficacy, fewer side effects of the treatment. In October 1985 to January 1988 we used Dayton Dayton dose of prednisone treatment of endocrine invasive exophthalmos in 12 cases, and achieved remarkable results. The report is as follows. Clinical data First, the general information: The group of 12 patients, 7 males and 5 females; aged 19 to 54 years of age, duration of 6 months to 2 years. All of them were determined by suctioning (131) I, serum TT_3, TT_4 and TSH, orbital radiography or B-ultrasound except for orbital posterior space-occupying lesion. Among the 12 cases, hyperthyroidism ~ (131) I symptoms were partially relieved in 5 cases, anti-hyperthyroidism drug treatment in 2 cases, in treatment course ~ (131) I treatment in 1 case, and ~ (131) I treatment in hypothyroidism in 1 case , Thyroid function is normal 3