The Affective Filter Theory in Chinese Education

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  【Abstract】With the increasingly emphasizing on psychology and the thriving of second language acquisition,there is a growing understanding of the importance of affective factors in second language learning. As a fundamental role in human life, emotion play a significant role in second language learning. It has been thoroughly clarified by theories that language teaching should focus on students’ all round development, which means to integrate their cognitive and affective elements. In fact, however, there are increasing number of students and teachers who focus on the effect of cognition instead of that of affect, which might contribute partly to passable English teaching and learning effect. Based on Krashen’s affective filter theory, this paper attempts to analyse the current situational problems of Chinses language teaching so as to enhance the foreign language teaching level.
  【Key word】second language learning; language teaching; affective elements Krashen’s; affective filter theory
  【作者簡介】Xiaolu Fan(1995-), Female, now is studying for a master’s degree in International Education at the University of Bath, UK. Research direction: international education and globalization.
  1. The definition and importance of affective filter theory
  To establish the importance of affective factors in second language learning, it is necessary to introduce definition of affective filter theory. For the purpose of reducing learners’ negative emotion and fear of difficulties, Stephen Krashen (1982), an excellent professor at University of Southern California indicates that, language teachers should create a more relaxing and effective teaching environment, where students can correct mentalities and build self-confidence for language learning. In the affective filter theory, Krashen regards the negative emotion as a filter which impedes the input that learners can understand between the teachers and learners.
  It is thought that, the affective filter may have been an important factor in second language acquisition. Many researchers has stressed the importance of affective filter thesis. For example, Arag?o (2011) explains the significance of affective filter thesis with two reasons. Firstly, the emotion statement is one part of normal activities that cannot be ignored. Secondly, affective factors may contribute to both language learning and language teaching, which seem to decide the comprehensive development of students. The next chapter described Chinese current educational situation and reasons why that happened.   2. The current Chinese educational situation
  As increasing attention attached to education of next generation, the Chinese educational situation improved in an certain degree. However, the excessive emphasis on students’ academic record and the pursuit of speed-up educational programs, have led to both ignorance of student’s mental state and backwardness of language teaching. The foreign language teaching in China is mainly based on classroom teaching, which means the teacher play a relatively important role in classrooms who shoulder responsibility of imparting facts and theories as well as solving puzzles, while the students are just passive receivers. Therefore, students rarely have opportunities to put it into practice, even if they do, they almost imitate to make sentences mechanically. Such teaching philosophy and learning methods will inevitably lead to students’ high scores on exams and low abilities in practice. On the whole, the current situation of language education has problems related to both students’ psychological state and teachers’ teaching philosophy. Therefore, several factors are known to be partially responsible for this.
  The most likely cause of that might be current Chinese educational system. For the past few decades, under the influence of the college entrance examination system, a system that means the chance of stepping into excellent universities for students measured by their college entrance examination achievement. Therefore, to help students embrace promising futures, most schools try their best to raise students’ level of learning achievements instead of their mental development, which is particular in language teaching. In one world, the current examination system has negative effect on foreign language learning to some extent.
  Another reason which causes the present situation of language teaching is the defects of teaching philosophy. Teachers’ teaching philosophy is a foundation of class which has effect on students’ understanding (Betty, Lein
影响英语教师的成长有内外两个因素,外在因素是指对教师进行有计划、有组织的培训和提高,它源于社会进步和教育发展对教师角色与行为改善的规范、要求和期望,內在因素是指教师的自我完善,它源于教师自我角色愿望、需要以及实践和追求。后者是促进教师持续发展的永恒内驱力,这个内驱来源于反思。英语教师是从事英语语言教学的“反思从业者( Reflective Practitioner)” (朱晓燕、黄子成,1999)
【摘要】本文在调查地方高校英语专业人才培养与就业现状的基础上,就教学过程中地方高校英语专业在人才培养、创新创业教育和实践教学中的薄弱环节进行分析,通过依托项目的教学(Project-based Learning,PBL)在地方高校英语专业课堂教学中的实际运用及课外项目的实施与实践平台的搭建,探索英语专业教育与创新创业能力培养有机融合的教学、实践、就业一体化创新对策。  【关键词】依托项目;英语专业
【摘要】文章以典型的城乡结合部小学——宁夏固原市原州区第十四小学为例,通过对我校老师、学生和家长进行访谈和调查研究,分析城乡结合部小学英语教学中存在的问题,探究问题产生的成因,找出决问题的有效对策,切实提高城乡结合部的小学英语教学质量。  【关键词】城乡结合部;英语教学;策略  【作者简介】徐明尉(1982.09.23-),男,宁夏固原人,宁夏固原市原州区第十四小学,二级教师,研究方向:小学英语;
【摘要】当前,我国的互联网信息技术高速发展,给传统行业带来了巨大的冲击,以计算机技术为核心的传媒信息时代已经拉开序幕,它整合了各种资源,对于资源有着更为合理的配置,人们对于各种新媒体的依赖程度越来越高。在大学英语教学中,要重视传媒信息技术的应用,注重教学方式上的创新和引导,激发学生的学习兴趣。  【关键词】传媒信息;大学;英语教学  【作者简介】王国宪,兴义民族师范学院。  在社会对于全面型人才的
【Abstract】Through the study of translation work of an extract of novel Tinkers, undertook by the author herself, the author looks into the various strategies adopted to deal with two specific translat
【摘要】以《新编实用英语》教程及相关课程为示范课,提出基于SPOC构建智慧课堂的整体解决方案,开启“互联网 实用英语”的一站式混合型教学,落实微课资源、慕课的共享应用,并力求以构建SPOC平台进行教学实践探索,促进大学生对高职英语学习兴趣、促进其学习能力的提高和学习效果的优化,有利于高职英语等通识课程网络资源的整合,以及高职英语教学质量、教学改革的深化和的提高。  【关键词】SPOC平台;新编实用
【摘要】语用模糊是言语交际中普遍存在的语言现象,商务谈判也不例外。谈判人员在进行商务谈判、交涉过程中,话语的得当与否会直接影响到谈判结果。本文通过列举模糊语言在商务谈判中话语中广泛运用的实例,试图从维索尔伦提出的顺应论的角度分析这种模糊语用在商务谈判语境下生成的根本原因以及理解。  【关键词】顺应论;商务谈判;语用模糊  【作者简介】王春艳,王晓冬,田歌,东北农业大学。  【基金项目】2017年文