邀请有关领导和专家为行业发展出谋献策 宁夏召开“加快宁夏造纸工业发展高级研讨会”

来源 :纸和造纸 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lainfaye
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造纸工业是宁夏轻工行业的支柱产业,改革开放以来,区内重点造纸企业规模不断扩大,全行业连续30多年盈利,产量从1990年的7万t·a-1提高到2011年的72万t·a-1,21年间平均增长率达到11.74%,高于全国同期9.49%的增长率。但自2011年以来,由于受各种不利因素的影响,宁夏造纸行业出现整体亏损。为帮助企业早日摆脱困境,促进造纸产业结构调整和优化升级,自治区轻纺工业局于2012年9月12日,在银川召开了“加快宁夏造纸工业发展高级研讨会”。参加研讨会的代表除来自国内的专家学者及区内规模以上造纸企业负责人外,还专门邀请了国家有关部委及行业主管部门、自治区和地方领导共同探讨,为宁夏造纸行业下一步发展出谋献策。 Paper industry is the pillar industry of light industry in Ningxia. Since the reform and opening up, the scale of major papermaking enterprises in the region has been continuously expanding. The industry has been profitable for more than 30 years. The output has increased from 70,000 t · a-1 in 1990 to 720,000 in 2011 t · a-1,21 years, the average rate of increase reached 11.74%, higher than the national growth rate of 9.49% over the same period. However, since 2011, due to various unfavorable factors, the overall loss of paper industry in Ningxia. In order to help enterprises get rid of the plight as soon as possible and promote the structural adjustment and optimization and upgrading of the paper making industry, the Autonomous Region Light Textile Industry Bureau convened a “Advanced Seminar on Accelerating the Development of Paper Industry in Ningxia” in Yinchuan on September 12, 2012. In addition to representatives from the domestic experts and scholars and the region above the scale of papermaking enterprises responsible person, but also specifically invited the relevant state ministries and departments in charge of industry, autonomous regions and local leaders to discuss together for the future development of paper industry in Ningxia Offer advice.
老鼠是山神的宠物,是神灵中的小字辈。它看上去很风光,但它的心里却感到日子过得很平淡、很无味。它很向往动物世界,于是它向山神提出申请,要求下凡到动物世界, Mouse is a
本文认为形象思维能力的培养能提高物理的学习效果。并从三个方面阐述了如何进行形象思维能力的培养。 This paper argues that the cultivation of image thinking ability