The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee made no much mention of the much-anticipated “new-type urbanization”, but it has determined the new type of urban-rural relations between workers and peasants that promote agriculture through industry, urbanization with cities, mutual benefits of workers and peasants, and urban-rural integration. Third Plenary Session also non-public ownership of economic property rights inviolability, to reduce the scope of land requisition, regulate land acquisition procedures, to reduce non-public use of land allocated to give farmers the right to mortgage and transfer of land use rights and other planning. With the rapid development of new-type urbanization, the number of arable land faced by China continues to decline, the quality of which shows a declining trend, the deteriorating ecological environment and the limited reserve resources. How to effectively protect cultivated land in the new-type urbanization is the key to promoting the new type of urbanization Important issues that must be faced.