(一) 要求颇多的尸体 1994年8月23日,一个做过变性手术的人在投水自尽五天以后,从峡谷河底浮上了水面。在水里已经泡了五个昼夜的尸体吸足了水,使部分身体发酵分解,释放出气体后,增加了自身的浮力。露出水面的睑,胀得如同广告气球。在人口不足一千五,话题贫乏的小村子里,这也算是一件奇闻异事了。纯朴的村民们从事林业及岩鱼养殖业。一个因生殖器经过特殊整形、名叫土左卫门的人,让村民们惶惶不安。其中神经过敏的人,每天晚上尽做恶梦,梦见浑身水肿的变性人,犹如宇航员在月球表面行走似的,轻松愉快地在村子里横行无阻。
(I) Demanding bodies Many people who had had degenerative surgeries on August 23, 1994, drowned from the bottom of the canyon five days after they poured themselves into their water. In the water has soaked five days and nights of the body to absorb the water, so that part of the body fermentation decomposition, the release of gas, increased its own buoyancy. Revealed the eyelid, swelling like an advertising balloon. In a small village with a population of less than 1,500 and a poor topic, it is also an anecdote. Simple villagers engaged in forestry and rock fish farming. A man who has been specially shaped by the genitals and named Tumen Gate, made the villagers panicked. Among them, those who are allergic to allergies are doing nightmares every night and dreaming of transsexual people with edema, as if the astronauts walk on the surface of the moon. They are easily and unobstructed in the village.