2016年夏天,我参加上海市老教授协会组织的旅行团到东欧六国游览,我与同济大学的一位陆教授都是邮迷。游览观光的时间都安排得十分紧凑,以分钟计算,而且寻邮并不安排在游览观光的时间内,导游都不知道当地邮局,更不谙什么集邮商店。因此在有限的自由活动时间里要寻邮,只能凭着“邮感”见缝插针,我们有时询问当地人,得到一点信息,才得以有一些收获。2 0世纪五六十年代,收集苏联、东欧邮票很盛行,中国集邮公司
In the summer of 2016, I took part in a tour organized by the Association of Old Professors in Shanghai to visit the six countries in Eastern Europe. Both Lu and Lu from Tongji University were postponed fans. Tour time is arranged very compact, in minutes, and search for mail is not arranged in sightseeing time, tour guides do not know the local post office, but also do not understand what the philatelic shop. Therefore, in a limited period of free time to look for postal mail, only with the “postal” stitch, and we sometimes ask the locals, get a little information before they can have some gains. In the 1950s and 1960s, the Soviet Union was collected. Stamps in Eastern Europe were very popular. China Philatelic Corporation