代表们、同志们: 国家环保局宣教司召开的“环境保护专业自学高考工作会议”今天结束了,我代表国家环保局祝贺会议圆满结束,向到会的代表表示衷心地感谢,并预祝大家在新的一年里在环境教育事业方面取得更大的成绩! 高等教育自学考试,是对自学者进行以学历考试为主的高等教育国家考试,是个人自学、
Deputies and Comrades: Today’s Environmental Protection Major Self-Study Entrance Examination Held by the Missionary of the State Environmental Protection Bureau ends today. On behalf of the State Environmental Protection Administration, I hereby congratulate the successful conclusion of the conference and express my heart-felt thanks to the delegates to the meeting and I wish everyone In the new year, he has made even greater achievements in environmental education. The self-study examination of higher education is a self-taught national examination of higher education focusing on academic examination. It is an individual self-study,