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2011年12月20日,温家宝总理签署命令,发布了《中华人民共和国招标投标法实施条例》(以下简称《条例》)。这是完善社会主义市场经济体制,促进公平竞争,预防惩治腐败的又一重大举措。从2006年列入立法计划到2011年颁布实施,《条例》制定工作历时近6年,具体由国家发展和改革委员会(以下简称“国家发改委”)起草,国务院法制办审查修改,其间得到了各部门、各地方、有关企业、专家学者和行业协会的大力支持。目前,国家发改委正在会同国务院有关部门,研究部署《条例》的贯彻实施工作。为便于各方面理解执行,现对《条例》起草过程中的若干问题作一简要介绍,供参考借鉴。一、《条例》制定颁布的背景和意义 On December 20, 2011, Premier Wen Jiabao signed an order promulgating the “Regulations for the Implementation of the Bidding and Tendering Law of the People’s Republic of China” (the “Regulations”). This is yet another major move to improve the socialist market economic system, promote fair competition and prevent corruption. From the inclusion of the legislative plan in 2006 to promulgation and implementation in 2011, the “Regulations” have been drafted for nearly six years, drafted by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and reviewed and amended by the Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council, All departments, all localities, relevant enterprises, experts and scholars and industry associations for their support. At present, the National Development and Reform Commission is working with relevant departments of the State Council to study the implementation of the “Regulations”. In order to facilitate the understanding of all aspects of implementation, a number of issues in the drafting of the “Regulations” are briefly introduced for reference. First, the “Regulations” promulgated the background and significance
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