1937年7月7日深夜,在卢沟桥附近进行实弹演习的日军牟田口廉也联队第八中队(本驻丰台),诡称宛平城内中国守军向演习的日军开枪射击,致日军丢失一名士兵(实是离队小便,后归队),要求进入宛平城搜寻,遭中国守军坚拒。于是日方通过其北平特务机关与中国冀察当局交涉,同时连夜紧急调动军队包围宛平城。8日清晨,就在中日联合调查组于宛平城中会商调查办法时,日军突向该城发起攻击。这就是卢沟桥事变的肇端。 1946年5月3日在日本东京开庭的远东国际军事法庭,曾就卢沟桥事变及“九·一八”事变、珍珠港事变等问题,清算日本主要战犯的战争罪行。 当东京审判进入卢沟桥事变的反证阶段后,辩护方证人、该事变当事人、原日本华北驻屯军步兵旅团长河边正三大将、樱井中将等人出庭作证。他们掩盖日本侵略军在卢沟桥蓄意寻衅,借以挑起全面侵华战争的
In the middle of the night of July 7, 1937, the Japanese army Muta Rakugai of the Japanese army, who conducted a live ammunition near the Lugou Bridge, also attacked the Japanese army in the Wanban city, A soldier (in fact, left urination, after rejoin), asked to enter Wanping City search, defended by Chinese defenders. So the Japanese side negotiated with the Chinese authorities in Peiping through its Peiping secret service and overnight mobilized the army to encircle Wanping City. On the morning of the 8th, just as the joint investigation team of China and Japan discussed the investigation in the city of Wanping, the Japanese attacked the city. This is the beginning of the Marco Polo Bridge Incident. On March 3, 1946, the Far East International Military Tribunal to be held in Tokyo, Japan, had liquidated the war crimes of Japan’s major war criminals on the Lugouqiao Incident and the September 18 Incident and Pearl Harbor Incident. When the Tokyo trial entered the anti-proof stage of the Lugouqiao Incident, the defense witness, the party involved in the incident, and the river general of the former Japan North China Garrison Brigade and Rescue Brigadier General Mabayashi Sakurai appeared in court to testify. They cover up the deliberate provocation by the Japanese aggressors at Lugou Bridge so as to provoke an all-out war against China