一提起SAS,许多人都会想到大名鼎鼎的英国特别空勤团,但是在地中海岛国塞浦路斯,同样也有一支令当地恐怖分子和犯罪集团闻风丧胆的SAS,这就是塞浦路期特别反恐分队(The Special,Anti-Terrorist Squad)。作为塞浦路斯警察部队的最精税反恐力量,特别反恐分队巴经在反恐战线上奋战了20多年,与德国边防警察9大队(GSG9)和法国国家宪兵干预队(GIGN)等精英反恐部队一样,塞浦路斯SAS也被普遍认为是欧洲一支实力较强的警察反恐部队。本文描绘了这支反恐部队的编制,训练理念、武器装备以及行动部署等鲜为人知的内幕。
When it comes to SAS, many people think of the famous British Special Air Service Regiment, but in the Mediterranean island of Cyprus there is also a SAS that terrorizes local terrorists and criminal groups, the Special Anti-Cyclical Unit of Cyprus -Terrorist Squad). As the most valuable tax counter-terrorism force for the Cyprus Police Force, the Special Counter-Terrorism Unit has been fighting the anti-terror fronts for more than two decades. Like the elite anti-terrorist units such as the German Border Control Corps 9 (GSG 9) and the French National Gendarmerie Intervention Team (GIGN), Cyprus SAS is also widely recognized as a stronger European police anti-terrorist unit. This article depicts the little-known inside story of the preparation, training concept, weaponry, and deployment of the anti-terrorism forces.