为期5天的201 2中国沈阳韩国周于8月28日圆满闭幕,自2002年首届沈阳韩国文化周的举办至今已经是第11届,并已成为中韩双方加深友谊和推动经贸往来的重要载体。恰逢201 2年中韩建交20周年,韩国各界对中国沈阳韩国周给予了高度重视。韩国前总理金硕洙、郑云灿、韩国外交通商部交涉本部长朴泰镐等1000余名韩
5-day 201 2 China, Shenyang, South Korea Week concluded successfully on August 28, the 11th since the first session of the South Korean Cultural Week in Shenyang in 2002, and has become an important carrier for deepening friendship and promoting economic and trade exchanges between China and South Korea . Coincides with the 20th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea in 201 2, and various circles in South Korea attach great importance to China, South Korea and South Korea. Former South Korean Prime Minister Kim Soo-Soo, Cheng Yun-Chan, South Korea’s Foreign Minister Moore Minister Park Tae-Ho and other more than 1,000 South Korea