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针对“无障碍换乘”模式网络化运营条件下的票款清分问题,提出一种基于广义出行代价的多路径选择概率模型,考虑不同出行时段、换乘代价对乘客路径选择的影响。在票款清分比例确定时,除考虑各线路运营里程外,还考虑分配换乘里程的因素,从而使得各线路的收益分配更趋合理。 Aiming at the problem of ticket classification under the condition of networked operation under the barrier-free transfer mode, this paper proposes a multi-path selection probability model based on generalized travel cost and considers the influence of different travel time and transfer cost on passenger route selection . In determining the proportion of votes, in addition to taking into account the mileage of each line, but also consider the factors assigned transfer mileage, making the distribution of revenue more reasonable route.
在西欧,尤其是浪漫的法国,奶酪不仅是家常必备食品,它甚至代表这样一种哲学:“拥有奶酪,就等于拥有了幸福。”而在中国,虽然各种奶酪早已“进驻”各大超市,但人们对这种舶来品仍然知之甚少。其实,中国人应该颠覆早前对奶酪的“刻板印象”,不同口味的奶酪不仅可入菜,让你在家享受异国美味,还能够补充远远不足的牛奶摄入量。    中国人奶制品吃得太少    我国居民人均年摄入牛奶约8.1千克,不足世界平均值的1/