人民法庭规范化建设在辽宁省法院系统正在全面推进,在克服了重重困难之后,取得了可喜成绩,走出了一条很有特色的路子。 他们下大力气抓人民法庭建设,并且要抓出个样子来,是从1986年开始的。三年来,他们迈出了三大步:1986年10月提出把人民法庭作为机构来建设,从指导思想上更新了观念;1987年10月提出实行驻庭审判和巡回办案相结合,从工作方式上改变了旧的法庭
The system of standardizing the construction of the people’s court in the court system of Liaoning Province is being promoted in an all-round way. After overcoming many difficulties, it has made gratifying achievements and has taken a distinctive path. They made great efforts to arrest people’s tribunals and tried to make a difference. It started in 1986. In the past three years, they have taken three major steps: Putting the People’s Tribunal into an institution as an institution in October 1986 and renewing their concepts from the guiding ideology. In October 1987, they proposed a combination of trial in the courts and tour-handling cases, Changed the old court