Re-imagining the Pastoral:Anonymity and the Late-Sixteenth-Century Reader in Fray Luis de León'

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Pseudo-anonymity is used as a means of understanding this late Renaissance inflexion ofthe pastoral genre,in that it permits the author to occupy an ideal space of achieved(yet still humble)virtue and to further express the neo-Stoic ideal of retreat from the socio-political demands of the world into an environment which is characterized by a harmonious experience of nature within a garden setting,geared not for economic or material production but whose purpose is to foment cultural and intellectual fecundity.Moreover,by the dislocation of the author-figure from a historical individual to an ideal type,the poem may itself offer this transformative process to the well-informed reader,providing them with a means of partaking through imaginative participation in the creativity of this Edenic locus amoenus,and thus leading them on,by its function as an access to the following works of poetry within the collection,to other poems that express the neo-Stoic pursuit,attainment and exhortation,of and to virtue. Pseudo-anonymity is used as a means of understanding this late Renaissance inflexion of the pastoral genre, in that it permits permits the author to occupy an ideal space of achieved (yet still humble) virtue and to further express the neo-Stoic ideal of retreat from the socio-political demands of the world into an environment which is characterized by a harmonious experience of nature within a garden setting, geared not for economic or material production but whose purpose is to foment cultural and intellectual fecundity. Moreover, by the dislocation of the author -figure from a historical individual to an ideal type, the poem may itself offer this transformative process to the well-informed reader, providing them with a means of partaking through imaginative participation in the creativity of this Edenic locus amoenus, and thus leading them on , by its function as an access to the following works of poetry within the collection, to other poems that express the neo-Stoic pursuit, attainment and exhortation, of and for virtue.
“快点!”“怎么这么慢!”“只有3分钟了,加快速度!”“再磨蹭就迟到了!”……父母为什么总是爱不停地催促孩子呢?也许你觉得孩子太磨蹭,打乱了自己的日常节奏。殊不知,你的做法更容易打乱孩子内在的成长节奏,影响孩子的身心健康。  4岁的佳佳,做事总是一副不紧不慢的样子。吃个饭,别人都吃完了,他才吃了一半;早晨穿衣服,妈妈都急死了,他还在那里不慌不忙地系扣子,好像永远不会迟到似的……每每都看得妈妈很着急
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