CASA SAL的空间只有3米宽,却足有19米长,在这样一个长方形空间中,要容纳客厅卧室浴室厨房厨房以及一个小次卧的空间需求。在为CASA SAL进行规划前,设计师与业主进行了充分的沟通,不光只是侧重于业主的审美风格喜好,还包括对生活习惯的了解。看点KEY FEATURE Rectangular Space长方形空间Personality个性化Partition-less没有隔断我们在选房子的时候,南北通透的方正户型是首选。南北通透通风良好,方正户型则会让空间没有一丝浪费的余地。与之形成对比的则是不通透的长条形空间,大门正好被开
CASA SAL space is only 3 meters wide, but full 19 meters long, in such a rectangular space, to accommodate the living room bedroom bathroom kitchen kitchen and a small second bedroom space requirements. Before planning for CASA SAL, designers and owners communicated well enough not only to focus on the owner’s aesthetic preferences, but also to learn about living habits. Aspect KEY FEATURE Rectangular Space Rectangular Space Personality Personalized Partition-less No partition When we choose the house, north-south transparent Founder apartment is the first choice. Ventilation well ventilated north and south, Founder apartment will make room for no waste of room. In contrast to it is impermeable long strip of space, the door just opened