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城隍,道教所传城池守护之神。城隍之名,肇于古史之造字,其用著于周易之系文,其庙祀始自三国,经唐、宋而渐遍,城隍祭祀被纳入国家祀典。至明清达极盛,上至大内紫禁城,下至城乡集镇,城隍庙遍及大江南北,甚至有一城多隍者。如京师一带,官方所建城隍庙有三,其一为都城隍庙(清初入关后建,位于宣武门内),其二为内城隍庙(雍正四年敕建),其三是皇城城隍庙(即永佑庙,雍正九年敕建,位于西安门内)。城隍祭祀被正式纳入国家祀典。至民国,城隍庙祀始衰,建于各地之城隍庙大多销声匿迹,所遗留者廖若晨星。京师都城隍庙及永佑庙,也随着清统治者一起渐次退出历史舞台,只有内城隍庙因位于深宫大内,鲜为人知。它的存在为人们研究清代宫廷城隍庙的建置及其祀典提供了历史的物证。本文拟就内城隍庙的建置、内部陈设、城隍祀典等问题做一初步探讨。 City 隍, the Taoist temple of God. The name of the castle, originated in the ancient history of the word, which used in the Book of Changes of the Department of texts, the temple began from the Three Sacred Hearts, the Tang Dynasty, Song and gradually, Chenghuang sacrifice was included in the national ceremony. To the Ming and Qing Dynasties reached its peak, up to within the Forbidden City, down to the town of towns and cities, Chenghuang Temple throughout the major north-south, and even more than one city. For example, in the area of ​​the Imperial Capital, there are three official temples built in the City God Temple, one of which is located in Xuanwumen (the gate built in the early Qing Dynasty and located in Xuanwumen). The other is the Imperial City God Temple (Yongzheng for four years). The third one is the Imperial City God Temple Temple, built in Yongzheng nine years, located in Xi’an door). Chenghuang ritual was officially incorporated into the national ceremony. To the Republic of China, Chenghuang Temple worship decline, built around the Temple of God mostly disappeared, the remaining Liao Ruo morning star. Capital Temple and Yongyou Temple, but also with the Qing rulers gradually withstood the stage of history, only the inner city temple is located in the deep palace, little-known. Its existence provides a historical material evidence for people to study the establishment of the Chenghuang Temple in the Qing court and their sacrificial ceremony. This article intends to make a preliminary discussion about the establishment of Inner Temple, interior furnishings, and sacrificial ceremony of Chenghuang Temple.
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