瑞典科学院如此迅速地将诺贝尔奖颁发给弱相互作用中宇称不守恒的发现者,充分表达了委员们对这一发现的重要性有一致的共识。所有认识这两位年轻的诺贝尔奖获得者的人,为他们的人格魅力所倾倒的程度,丝毫不亚于他们的多才多艺和深刻的思维给人们留下的印象。下面的文章,将会给读者描绘一幅他们的思维图像,勾画出他们辉煌的历程,正如照片中显示的鲜明特点——沐浴着诺贝尔奖光环时欢欣的微笑。编辑非常感谢杨振宁过去的朋友A.派斯,他应邀迅速写出了这篇文章(出版于1958年)。同时我们应当记得,正是由于派斯对基本粒子不变性的分析,这一开拓性的努力才给了李和杨最初的原始推动力,进而使他们的理论发展到极致。——L.罗森菲尔德(Nuclear Physics编辑)
The fact that the Swedish Academy of Sciences so promptly presented the Nobel Prize to discoverers who are not conservatories of weak interactions fully expressed the consensus reached by members about the importance of this finding. All those who know the two young Nobel laureates have fallen as far as their personal charisma to the impression that they are left with their versatile and profound mindset. The following essay will give the reader a picture of their thinking, delineating their glorious journey, as the distinctive features shown in the photograph - a delightful smile in the Nobel Prize ring. The editor is very grateful to A. Jenny, past friend of Yang Zhenning, who was invited to write this article quickly (published 1958). At the same time, we should remember that it is precisely because of Pais’s analysis of the basic particle invariance that this pioneering effort gave Lee and Yang their initial primitive impetus and thus their theory to the limit. - L. Rosenfeld (Nuclear Physics Editor)