格鲁吉亚位于外高加索中西部,地处欧亚交界。格西部濒临黑海,其海岸线长达308公里,是古代丝绸之路和规划兴建的现代欧亚交通走廊的必经之地。此外,业已建成的旨在把黑海石油输送到黑海,再运往西方国家的石油管道也直通此地。显然,其地理位置和战略地位举足轻重。 格西部黑海两大港口波季港口和巴统港,不仅是外高加索三国(格鲁吉亚、阿塞拜疆、亚美尼亚),而且还是中亚五国进出口海运货物的集散地。出口货物从这两港口装运,经黑海、博斯普鲁斯海峡和达达尼尔海峡、地中海或苏伊士运河,往来于欧亚
Georgia is located in the western and western Caucasus, at the junction of Eurasia. On the brink of the Black Sea west of Georgia, the coastline stretches for 308 kilometers and is an indispensable part of the ancient Silk Road and the planned modern Eurasian traffic corridor. In addition, oil pipelines that have been built to deliver Black Sea oil to the Black Sea and then to Western countries also pass through it. Obviously, its geographical position and strategic importance. The western part of the Black Sea is the port of Bodhi and the port of Batumi. It is not only the three Transcaucasian countries (Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia), but also the distribution center for the import and export of seaborne cargoes from five Central Asian countries. Exported goods are shipped from both ports via the Black Sea, the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles, the Mediterranean or the Suez Canal, between Eurasia