俗话讲,“眼睛是心灵的窗户”,从眼睛中我们可以读出人的喜怒哀乐、七情六欲。与此同时,眼睛还是一扇能够反映人体健康状况的窗户。这是因为许多疾病在其发生、发展的过程中,或多或少地都要在眼睛上留下“踪影”。也就是说,许多眼病并非是因眼睛本身引起,而是全身疾病的一种表现。认识到这一点,就会使我们能尽早地发现全身性疾病,甚至能够估测疾病的发展和结局。 一、高血压:视力可正常或有不同程度的减退,特别是在因高血压而造成脑部血管破裂出
As the saying goes, “the eyes are the windows of the soul”, from the eyes we can read people’s emotions, emotions. At the same time, the eye is a window that reflects the health of the human body. This is because many diseases are more or less left in their eyes during their occurrence and development. That is, many eye diseases are not caused by the eye itself, but rather a manifestation of systemic disease. Awareness of this will allow us to detect systemic diseases as soon as possible, and even to estimate the development and outcome of the disease. First, high blood pressure: vision can be normal or have different degrees of decline, especially in the blood vessels caused by high blood pressure rupture out