Research and optimization on laminated steel tube column-concrete beam joints with outer stiffening

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dingdingdeaiqing86
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In practical design,the joints with outer stiffening ring were used to connect concrete beams and laminated steel tube columns.The seismic behavior of joints with outer stiffening ring with various types was studied based on experiments.The bearing capacity,rigidity,ductility,energy dissipation capacity,deformation property and strain distribution of the joints with outer stiffening ring with various types were comprehensively evaluated based on the test results of three specimens under quasistatic cyclic loading and finite element analysis.The test results showed that the failure mode,hysteretic behavior,bearing capacity and rigidity degradation of the joints with outer stiffening ring with various types were nearly identical.Furthermore,the strain distribution of the outer stiffening ring of the three joints was nearly the same.The detailing recommendation for the outer strengthening rings was proposed for the concrete beam-laminated steel tube column joints with outer stiffening ring,in order to ensure the good seismic capacity of the joints. In practical design, the joints with outer stiffening ring were used to connect concrete beams and laminated steel tube columns. The seismic behavior of joints with outer stiffening rings with various types was studied based on experiments. Bearing capacity, rigidity, ductility, energy dissipation capacity, deformation property and strain distribution of the joints with outer stiffening ring with various types were comprehensively evaluated based on the test results of three specimens under quasistatic cyclic loading and finite element analysis. the test results showed that the failure mode, hysteretic behavior, bearing capacity and rigidity degradation of the joints with outer stiffening ring with various types were nearly identical .Furthermore, the strain distribution of the outer stiffening ring of the three joints was nearly the same. detailament recommendation for the outer strengthening rings was proposed for the concrete beam-laminated steel tube column joints with outer stiffening rin g, in order to ensure the good seismic capacity of the joints.
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执教者:许玲(江苏省无锡市山北中学语文教师)  点评人:许昌良(江苏省无锡市凤翔实验学校校长,江苏省语文特级教师、教授级高级教师)  教学目标:品味并学习“运用多种感觉描写对象”的写作手法。  教学对象:七(下)  课堂呈现:  师:同学们,我们来看看朱自清先生是怎样描绘“春风图”的,请大家自由朗读,思考作者笔下的春风具有怎样的特点。  生1:“‘吹面不寒杨柳风’,不错的,像母亲的手抚摸着你。”把