透明度原则在国际、地区以及国内法律体系中扮演着日益重要的角色。在GATT/ WTO体制中,该原则已与国民待遇原则、最惠国待遇原则相提并论。GATF第10条的规定是对透明度原则的明确表述;WTO的若干协定也在透明度方面为缔约方创设了义务。然而,WTO中DSU的一些规定却无助于争端解决程序透明度的提高。但WTO争端解决机构通过对一些案件的审理,将透明度原则视为国际经济法的理性基础和确保WTO创设之国际经贸法律秩序获得成功的重要因素。应当认为,在各国经贸关系日益密切的当代国际社会,信息公开是常态,不公开是例外。
The principle of transparency plays an increasingly important role in international, regional and domestic legal systems. In the GATT / WTO system, this principle has been compared with the principle of national treatment and the principle of the most-favored nation. Article 10 of the GATF provides a clear statement of the principle of transparency; several WTO agreements also create obligations for the parties in terms of transparency. However, some provisions of the WTO DSU do not help to improve the transparency of dispute settlement procedures. However, the WTO Dispute Settlement Body has considered the principle of transparency as the rationale of international economic law and the important factor in ensuring the success of the international economic and trade law order created by WTO through the hearing of some cases. It should be considered that in the contemporary international community where the economic and trade relations between countries are getting closer, the openness of information is the norm and the exception is the exception.