Hemophilia is a X-linked recessive genetic disease. If a male patient is married to a healthy woman, all the children born will have normal boys and all girls will be carriers of the disease-causing genes. If a healthy male is married to a woman who is a carrier of the disease-causing gene, one fourth of the children born are women who are carriers of the carrier and one-fourth are hemophilic men. The rest are all normal. People all hope to find a way to make judgments before birth in order to choose to keep normal boys and eliminate the carriers of pathogenic genes to prevent the occurrence of hemophilia. However, there are many difficulties in judging whether a fetus has hemophilia. Recently published some research reports in this area. The progress of this research work is related to the development of the following two technologies. The first on the use of fetal mirrors; as a result of this technique, the current hematology area of some diseases, such as salicylate, sickle cell anemia or some other blood red