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1860年5月,太平军第二次粉碎江南大营以后,为巩固太平天国政权,准备进军上海.6月2日,太平军攻克苏州.清两江总督何桂清自苏州逃至上海,与驻沪英公使普鲁斯、法公使浦步龙交涉,求借侵略军反扑.是时,正是英法发动第二次鸦片战争之际,英法怕这是清廷引诱他们陷入与太平军作战“旋涡”的计谋,未能答允.太平军在此时进军上海是适时的.但太平天国领导人没有把握住这一有利时机,集中优势兵力,一举攻克上海,而是把主要注意力放在争取外国侵略者支持的外交活动上.干王洪仁玕、忠王李秀成花了两个多月的时间,不惜“委曲求全”先后向英、法等驻沪使节再三致函,呼吁他们本着“皆奉天父上帝、天兄耶稣,以立国者既属一本,自当同心”的精神,与太平天国谈判.同时,还接待了大批从上海来的外国传教士、商人,想通过他们打通与驻沪各国公使会谈的渠道,结果这些努力都未能凑效.从上海当时所处的特殊情况,干王、忠王采取这一措施,争取各国支持或中立,孤立清朝当局,为太平军进军上 In May 1860, after the Taiping army smashed Jiangnan Camp for the second time, the Taiping Heavenly King Regiment was prepared to enter Shanghai in order to consolidate the Taiping Rebellion, and the Taiping army captured Suzhou on June 2. Qing governor Ho Ching-ching fled to Shanghai from Suzhou, Prussia, France and Pu Pu Long negotiation, seeking the invading forces counterattack.It is when the British and French launched the second opium war, Britain and France are afraid this is the Qing court tempted them into battle with the Taiping “whirlpool” The failure of the Taiping army to march into Shanghai at this time is timely.However, the leaders of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom failed to grasp this favorable opportunity to concentrate superior forces and capture Shanghai in one fell swoop. Instead, they focused their attention on seeking foreign aggression Who supported the diplomatic activities .Huang Wang Hong Ren 玕, Zhong Wang Li Xiucheng spent more than two months time, at the “Quqiuququan ” successively to Britain, France and other diplomatic envoys in Shanghai again and again, calling them in line with In the spirit of God the Father, Jesus, Brother Jesus, both as a nation, sincerely ", we negotiated with the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and at the same time received a large number of foreign missionaries and businessmen from Shanghai and tried to get through with them This is the result of the channels of public talks in various countries in Shanghai These efforts failed to work.From the special circumstances prevailing in Shanghai at that time, the dry king, loyalist to take this measure for all countries to support or neutralize, isolate the Qing authorities, march for the Taiping
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