纸模Dinodulos品牌:MITIK这是真正具有DIY精神的纸模玩具。它不仅提供了基本的再生纸板零件,而且还附带涂料和扁头笔。从上色到拼装,这款小玩具让人们充分体会手工的乐趣。摆件Collection SEED品牌:Cyril John ROUSSEAU GLASS DESIGN这个玻璃工艺品系列灵感来自于自然界的种子。其婀娜的轮廓线和复杂的曲面设计,令这些色彩艳丽的小装饰产生出一种女性般的柔
Paper Mold Dinodulos Brand: MITIK This is a truly DIY paper mold toy. It not only provides the basic recycled cardboard parts, but also comes with paint and flathead pen. From color to assembly, this small toy allows people to fully appreciate the fun of hand. Collection Collection SEED Brand: Cyril John ROUSSEAU GLASS DESIGN This glass handicraft collection is inspired by the seeds of nature. Its graceful silhouette and complex surface design make these colorful decorations a feminine soft