蒋建军同志通过自己的检修实践和厂家的指点,揭开了“M58655P型存储器②脚无-30V也能正常工作存储、记忆的谜底。并对前人的“权威性”结论:“M58655P②脚需要-30 V电压才能写入数据、存储器才能正常工作(换句话说,M58655P②脚无-30 V电压是该存储器不能存储、失去记忆故障的主要原因)”进行了有力的挑战和批驳,有根有据,颇有说服力,并以事实说明了“实践是检验真理的惟一标准”的科学论断。我们提倡严谨的学习态度和善于观察事物细节的过细的工作作风.要注意区别同一型号、不同后缀集成电路(如:M58655与M58655P或一些CPU)之间的差别和后缀所代表的意义,这也是做好代换工作的前提,要切记(不要“粗枝大叶”)! 我们欢迎有新意和特色、以实例说话、“既要给鱼,又要授渔”的烩炙人口的好文章!
Comrade Jiang Jianjun through his own overhaul practice and manufacturers guidance, opened the “M58655P-type memory ② feet without -30V can work storage and memory of the answer.And predecessors” authoritative “conclusion:” M58655P ② feet need - 30 V voltage can write data to memory to work properly (in other words, M58655P ② feet without -30 V voltage is the memory can not be stored, the main reason for the loss of memory failure) “has been a strong challenge and criticism, well-founded , Convincing, and the fact that the ”practice is the sole criterion for testing truth,“ the scientific thesis.We advocate rigorous learning attitude and be good at observing the details of things too meticulous work style.We should pay attention to distinguish the same model, different suffix integration The difference between the circuits (such as M58655 and M58655P or some CPUs) and the meanings of the suffixes are also the prerequisites for doing the substitution work. Remember that (do not be ”rude“)! We welcome new ideas and features, examples Talk, ”It is necessary to give the fish, but also to teach fishing," the popular article!