一、问题的提出 校长负责制自从1985年提出及全面推行以来,算起来已有不少年头了。校长负责制的实施对中小学的校长自主办学和学校管理产生了巨大的变化和推动。然而,站在校长和教师的角度,对校长领导权力的有关问题又是怎样认识的呢? 本次调查所要探讨的主要问题是中小学校长领导权力的现状及异同,从而从一个角度来认识中小学校长权力的一些问题及校长负责制的实效性。本文力图根据对接受调查的两所学校调查结果的分析与比较,就中小
I. PROBLEM PRESENTATION The principal responsibility system has been in its infancy for many years since it was put forward and fully implemented in 1985. The implementation of the principal responsibility system has made great changes and promotion to the autonomous schooling and school management of primary and secondary school principals. However, from the perspective of school principals and teachers, how do we know about the principal's leadership power? The main problem to be explored in this investigation is the status quo and similarities and differences in the leadership of primary and secondary school principals, so that we can understand from one perspective Some Problems of Primary School Principals' Authority and the Effectiveness of the Principal Accountability System. This paper tries to analyze and compare the survey results of the two schools surveyed,