Medical record summary: Female, 38 years old. A left acupuncture-like pain in the left anterior chest and armpits appeared 5 months ago and was dissipated to the left shoulder and back. Have dry cough, no fever. Two months after the onset of symptoms and bloody sputum, a hospital diagnosed as “left tuberculous pleurisy with pleural effusion” for 3 months without anti-TB treatment without improvement in our hospital. Physical examination: the general situation is acceptable, systemic superficial lymph nodes not touched, blood pressure 130 / 80mmHg, left respiratory motion decreased, significantly reduced respiratory sounds, no pleural friction and rales. Laboratory tests: hemoglobin 13.3g, white blood cells 11,600, 800% neutral, lymphatic 15%, 3% eosinophils; normal urinary tract; ESR 61mm / h. Pleural fluid is light yellow, slightly mixed, than