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《语文课程标准》指出,开展语文综合性学习,在于拓宽语文学习和运用的领域,注重跨学科的学习和现代科技手段的运用,使学生在不同内容和方法的相互交叉、渗透和整合中开阔视野,提高学习效率,初步掌握获得现代社会所需要的语文实践能力。其出发点和落脚点始终在“致力于学生语文素养的形成 The standard of Chinese Curriculum indicates that comprehensive Chinese language learning aims at broadening the field of language learning and application, focusing on interdisciplinary learning and the application of modern scientific and technological means so as to enable students to broaden their interdisciplinary, infiltration and integration of different contents and methods Horizons, improve learning efficiency, preliminary grasp of the practical needs of the modern society of language skills. The starting point and the end result has always been ”committed to the formation of the students’ Chinese literacy