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主持人语:要问世上最贵重的东西是什么,很少有人会把它与“商标”二字联系起来。方寸商标,价值几何?1994年,美国的《金融世界》对排名前10位的世界驰名商标作出权威估价:排在第一位的可口可乐价值356.50亿美元,即使处在第10位的巴尔卡迪的价码也高达71.63亿美元。与此 Moderator language: To ask what is the most valuable thing in the world, few people will be linked with the “trademark” word. Square inch trademark, the value of geometry? In 1994, the “Financial World” of the United States made an authoritative assessment of the world’s top 10 world-famous trademarks: Coca-Cola ranked No. 1 in the list of places with a value of 35.650 billion U.S. dollars, even though Barkadi, which is in 10th place, 7.163 billion U.S. dollars. With this
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In Groups——物以类聚Yesterday,I took my mountain bike1 to the trails2.When I was passing by a pond,I saw a few Canada In Groups - things to gather Yesterday,
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