群鸟集 在印度东部阿萨姆邦边远地区的一个叫贾廷加的小村里。1905年的一个风雨交加的夜晚,有一村民家的大水牛不见了,一些村民举着火把去帮助寻找失踪的牛,突然,一大群一大群的鸟飞来,像雨点一样莫名其妙
The flock of birds gather in a small village called Jattinga, in a remote area of Assam in eastern India. In a stormy night of 1905, a buffaloes disappeared from a villager 's house. Some villagers held a torch to help find the missing cattle. Suddenly, a large group of large flocks of birds flew like a raindrop.