In 1975 - 1978, in order to reduce the harm of pests to coniferous seedlings, fertilization measures were determined. According to different factors, according to the technical requirements of local nursery stock, we conducted 4 times to repeat 28 different forms of fertilization test. The experiment was carried out in the nursery of the Forestry Department of Qi Jin Province. The nursery soil is medium-thick, unhushed forest grassy sandy loam. The humus content (30 cm depth) is not more than 2%. The amount of soil nutrient that can be absorbed (milligrams per 100 grams of soil) is: helium-sacral (No_3-4.6), phosphorus and potassium-medium. (P_2O_5-10.4, K_2O-13.1) peat-inorganic composting 80 tons / ha was applied to the fallow land under test. Prior to sowing, the soil is near neutral with a pH> 5.7 and seeds are planted before sowing