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大革命时期湖北的农民运动,王要开展于北伐军攻克武汉后。武汉的光复,使湖北农村革命,由以前的秘密状态转入公开,湖北农运也因此而扩大深入,渐次出现二个不同的发展时期,显现出一幅暴风骤雨式的农村大革命。本文试就武汉革命时期湖北的农运情况,作一简单的论述。 一 湖北农运转为公开后,便出现了前所未有的景象。此期农运主要表现在农协的急剧发展及政治上打击豪绅地主等方面。 农协的迅速发展,始自于北伐军占领武汉后。此前,由于处在北洋军阀统治下,农运未能公开,因而发展较慢,1925年12月省农协成立时,“有组织的不过黄梅、黄风冈、黄安、汉川、枣阳等效县”,会员二千人左右。到次年9月,武汉农协组织迅猛发展起来。12月底,正式成否则“一切减租减息,要求土地及其它财产手段等等的经济斗争”就决无胜利之可能。因此,从政治上打击豪绅地主,建立乡村政权就成为历史及现实的必要。 During the Great Revolution in Hubei peasant movement, Wang to be carried out in the northern expedition to capture Wuhan. The revival of Wuhan made Hubei’s rural revolution go from a secret state to an open one. As a result, Hubei peasant movement expanded in depth and gradually emerged two different periods of development, showing a stormy rural revolution. This article tries to make a brief exposition of the peasant movement in Hubei during the revolution in Wuhan. After Hubei peasants became public, an unprecedented picture emerged. During this period, peasant transportation mainly manifested itself in the rapid development of the Agricultural Association and the political crackdown on the landlords and the like. The rapid development of the Agricultural Association began with the occupation of Wuhan by the Northern Expeditionary Army. Previously, due to the Beiyang warlords under the rule of the peasant movement failed to open, and thus develop slowly, in December 1925 the Provincial Agricultural Association was established, “organized However, Huang Mei, Huang Feng Gang, Huang, Han Chuan, Zaoyang equivalent County ”, about two thousand members. In September the following year, Wuhan Agricultural Association quickly developed. By the end of December, there will be no chance of victory if the government formally or otherwise declares that “all economic struggles for rent reduction and interest reduction, land and other property claims, etc.” Therefore, it is necessary for history and reality to crack down on the landlords and establish the regime of the country in politics.
摘要 本文分析了电网发生线路跳闸时,影响电网调控员线路跳闸统计耗时的几个原因,并通过分析和查阅资料找到了主要的因素,然后通过大量数据进行比对分析,给出了缩短线路跳闸统计耗时的几种方法,成功解决了跳闸统计耗时过长的问题。  关键词 线路跳闸;统计时间;耗时  中图分类号 F4  文献标识码 A  文章编号2095-6363(2015)10-0073-02  2013年8月28日夜里,南昌市遭遇一场强
一 《文选》卷四十八《班固典引》: 永平十七年,……诏因曰,司马迁著书,成一家言,扬名后世。至以身陷刑之故,反微文刺讥,贬损当世,非谊(义)士也。 《后汉书·蔡邕传》
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