在第一线工作的厂长们,绝大多数是“两眼一睁,忙到熄灯”。什么跑任务、谈合同、订规划、抓质量,还有开不完的会、扯不完的皮、陪不完的客。职工对他们的忙并不理解,经常听到职工说,“不知道我们的厂长在忙什么?好长时间也见不到厂长的面了。”这客观上造成了厂长和职工的隔核,时间久了,就会脱离群众,既影响自身形象,又有损工厂的凝聚力,所以,我给厂长们进一言,联系职工要做到“八个一”,不妨试试,或许对厂长们取得工厂管理工作的主动权有裨益。 转一转。早上提前到工厂,到处转转,可以是有目的的转转,也可以是随意性的溜达,在有意还是无意中会发现很多的问题,甚至还可能触发“灵感”,给
The majority of factory managers working in the front line are “two eyes and one busy, and are busy turning off the lights.” What to run tasks, talk about contracts, make plans, grasp quality, there are endless meetings, endless pits, unfinished visitors. Employees do not understand what they are doing. They often hear the workers say, “I don’t know what our director is doing? I haven’t seen the director for a long time.” This objectively caused the director and the staff. The time between nuclear nucleation and separation will deviate from the masses, affecting both their own image and the cohesiveness of the factory. Therefore, I would like to give a word to the directors and contact the employees to be “eight ones.” Try it, Perhaps it is beneficial to the director to obtain the initiative of factory management. Take a turn. In the morning, I go to the factory in advance, and I can turn around. There can be a purposeful turnaround or a random walk. If I intentionally or unintentionally, I will find many problems. I may even trigger “inspiration”.