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以石头扁桃和桃扁桃为材料,采用盆栽方法,研究了盐胁迫对2种扁桃幼苗根部K+、Na+和Cl-含量的影响和超微结构的变化,以揭示其耐盐性差异机制。结果表明:NaCl胁迫下,2种扁桃根部Na+、Cl-含量均随NaCl浓度的升高和胁迫时间延长而增加,桃扁桃根部Na+、Cl-相对增长量大于石头扁桃;K+含量均随盐浓度的增加而降低,桃扁桃根中K+含量大于石头扁桃。2种扁桃根中Na+/K+随盐浓度的增加而升高,在高盐浓度胁迫下,桃扁桃根中Na+/K+值较石头扁桃低。盐胁迫后,2种扁桃根细胞核膜不清晰,细胞中均出现很多大的液泡,根细胞导管中出现大量淀粉粒。扁桃根细胞中Na+、Cl-含量明显增加,根部细胞核膜发生解离,导管扭曲严重,说明离子毒害起到破环作用,但是没有发生明显的质壁分离,不能明确表明渗透胁迫的同时发生。桃扁桃根部根组织维持较低的Na+/K+值,其受危害的程度小于石头扁桃,表现出较强的抗盐能力。 The effects of salt stress on the contents of K +, Na + and Cl- and the changes of ultrastructure in the roots of two kinds of almond seedlings were studied with potted almond and peach almond, and the mechanism of salt tolerance difference was revealed. The results showed that the content of Na + and Cl- increased with the increase of NaCl concentration and prolongation of stress time under NaCl stress. The relative growth of Na + and Cl- in root of peach almond was greater than that of stone almond. The content of K + Increase and decrease, peach almond root K + content is greater than stone Almond. Na + / K + of two kinds of almonds increased with the increase of salt concentration. Under high salt stress, Na + / K + of peach almond was lower than that of almond. After salt stress, the two kinds of amygdala nuclear membrane were unclear, many large vacuoles appeared in the cells, and a large number of starch granules appeared in the root cell duct. The contents of Na + and Cl- in almond root cells were significantly increased, and the nuclear membrane in root cells was dissociated and the conduit was distorted seriously. It indicated that ion toxicity played a role in destroying rings, but no apparent wall separation occurred and no clear indication of osmotic stress was found. The root tissue of peach almond root maintained low Na + / K + value, which was less harmful than stone almond and showed strong ability of salt resistance.
华南理工大学刘管平教授题词继承炎黄千秋精粹弘扬中华万世辉煌        古建古术古园说今著今技今人读天津市营宸古建筑工程有限公司总经理 李连庆题词贺《古建园林
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