“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山。” 这是晋朝田园诗人陶渊明的名句。从东南二字推测,他“三荒”的院落,可能坐北朝南,“东篱”一径为花圃,西边一径为后勤,“南山”一径通正门。古今文人都有自己的僻好,王羲之爱鹅,周敦颐爱莲,苏东坡爱竹,陶渊明则偏爱菊,这爱好似与其“不为五斗米折腰”的风格相符合。花圃的菊花开得绮丽多姿,为什么定要去采拮呢?有三种可能:
“Picking Ju Dong, leisurely see Nanshan.” This is the poet Tao Yuanming Jin Dynasty famous. Speculated from the southeast word, he “three shortage” courtyard, may sit north facing south, “Tung Lei” a path for the flower garden, a path for the logistics of the west, “Nanshan” a pass through the door. Ancient and modern literati have their own secluded, Wang Xizhi love goose, Zhou Dunyi love lotus, Su Dongpo love bamboo, Tao Yuanming prefer chrysanthemum, this hobby seems to be consistent with its “not five-meter-meter waist” style. Flower garden chrysanthemums open beautiful, why we must go to mining antagonism? There are three possibilities: