马三立老了,已有几年不参加演出了。没有特殊需要,他很少出门了.平时就在马三立公寓和马三立老人园轮流住着。 虽是说相声出身,可生活中的马老喜欢静,读书、写字、思索是他晚年的三大爱好。无人造访,他能静静坐上半天。 他难得有这样的清闲,想见他的人太多,编辑记者老板伙?
Ma Sanli old, have not participated in the show for a few years. No special needs, he seldom go out, usually in Sanmasi Ma Sanli elderly apartment and take turns living. Although it is said that the comic origin, can live in the horse like static, reading, writing, thinking is his later years, three major hobbies. No one visits, he can sit quietly for a long time. He rarely had such a leisure, want to see too many of his people, editor of journalist boss?