With the rapid development of modern transportation, the increasingly tense relations between transportation and energy and resources, the intensification of conflicts between people and vehicles and the deterioration of the ecological environment, it is necessary to reflect on the situation and significance of human existence through traffic and to re-understand traffic and people through profound reflection on values. Social and natural relations, explore green transportation culture, and promote sustainable traffic development. To this end, we need to complete the three-fold shift: First, traffic development should not only pay attention to its value to people and society, but also pay attention to its value to nature and the environment. On the value aspiration, from traditional speed-benefit pursuit to environment- Ecological balance; secondly, we should study the traffic with a holistic perspective, and use system analysis methods to analyze the target, function, environment, changing rules and influencing factors of traffic in depth. From the one-way thinking to the systematic way of thinking Change; Third, we must create a suitable atmosphere to promote the institutional change of green transportation, to clarify its roadblocks change, and gradually form a complete green transportation system.