为纪念中国电影百年和长春电影制片厂建厂60周年,2005年11月4日-6日,电影艺术杂志社和电影杂志社联合举办了“长影新片研讨会”。会议邀请了在京的部分著名影评家和导演近20人, 观摩了近两年拍摄的《任长霞》、《七品知县卖红薯》、《浪漫女孩》、《东方角斗士》、《红飘带》、《大娃娃与小公主》、《大东巴的女儿》、《春天的热土》、《钢铁脊梁》、《微笑》等不同类型、不同题材的新片,并进行了认真的讨论。
In honor of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese film centenary and the Changchun Film Studio, the film art magazine and the film magazine jointly held the “Long Film New Film Symposium” from November 4 to 6, 2005. The conference invited some 20 famous film critics and directors in Beijing to observe “Ren Changxia”, “Selling Sweet Potato”, “Romantic Girl”, “Oriental Gladiator”, “Red Ribbon” “Big Doll and Little Princess,” “Dadongba’s daughter,” “spring land”, “steel backbone”, “smile” and other different types, different themes of the new film, and had a serious discussion.