挺起震不塌的脊梁 汶川在浴火中重生

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汶川地震周年祭——中国自动化网风清云淡去年亲人泪纷飞今朝坟头草葳蕤昔日无奈山河碎眼前有景碧绿翠一曲高歌彩云追三川重整荡气回九泉英灵当告慰万家灯火已生辉北京时间2008年5月12日14时28分,汶川发生里氏8.0级特大地震,那一刻地动山摇,那一刻山河破碎,那一刻蜀国成为一片废墟。这是新中国成立以来破坏性最强、波及范围最广、救灾难度最大、震级里氏8级、最大烈度达11度的特大地震。据统计,在汶川地震中,受灾群众达4625万多人,造成69227名同胞遇难、17923名同胞失踪,直接经济损失达8451亿多元。面对突如其来的灾难,在党中央、国务院和中央军委的坚强领导下,全党全军全国各族人民众志成城,灾区广大干部群众奋起自救,国内各界和国际社会积极施援。在抢救人员、安置受灾群众等方面取得重大阶段性胜利后,国家又迅速制定了《汶川地震灾后恢复重建总体规划》,积极开展灾后重建,经过近一年时间的努力,各项重建工作都已经取得了一定成绩,我们已经看到了历经浴火之后重生的汶川。 Wenchuan earthquake anniversary ceremony
Topfocus Topfocus Wenchuan earthquake anniversary ceremony
Topfocus Topfocus Wenchuan earthquake last year anniversary - Brilliance Beijing time at 14:28 on May 12, 2008, Wenchuan 8.0 magnitude earthquake, that moment moving, the moment the mountains and rivers broken, at that moment Shu became a ruin. This is the most devastating earthquake ever since the founding of New China, covering the widest reach and the most difficult disaster relief. The magnitude 8 earthquake and the maximum intensity of 11 degrees are the major earthquakes. According to statistics, during the Wenchuan earthquake, the number of people affected reached more than 46.25 million, killing 69,227 fellow citizens and leaving 17,923 fellow citizens with a direct economic loss of 845.1 billion yuan. Faced with unexpected catastrophes, under the strong leadership of the Central Party Committee, the State Council and the Central Military Commission, all people of all ethnic groups in the entire party, the whole army and the people throughout the country came together to help themselves and the cadres and masses in the disaster-stricken area rose for their help and all sectors of society in China and the international community have been giving active aid. After major triumphs in rescuing personnel and resettling people affected by the disaster, the state quickly formulated the “Overall Plan for Post-Wenchuan Earthquake Restoration and Reconstruction” and actively carried out post-disaster reconstruction. After nearly a year of hard work, all the reconstruction work has been completed Some achievements have been made and we have already seen the Wenchuan reborn after having bathed in fire.
到了迈阿密一定要看湿地。  按事先约定,一下轮船,我们便在当地朋友的带领下,直奔著名的大沼泽公园参观考察。大沼泽公园名字叫艾维格蕾斯(EVERGLADES),位于迈阿密城的东北方向,总面积4000多平方英里,合9000多平方公里。这里的湿地水量丰富,百分之二十的草地,百分之八十的水面,有“迈阿密的水缸”和“美国之肺”的美称。迈阿密市用水主要靠这个湿地供给。  湿地由一条运河与迈市和大西洋贯通。该湿
Formation Of ZnS Clusters in Zeolite-YFormationOfZnSClustersinZeolite-Y¥ChenWei;LinZhaoinn;WangZhanguoandLinLanying(Laborator... Formation Of ZnS Clusters in Zeolite-YFormation Of ZnSelusters In Zeolite-Y ¥ ChenWei; LinZhaoinn; WangZhanguo andLinLanying
中泰PC总线模板PC-6330.12位16通道40kHzA/D。 880元PC-6333.12位16通道100kHzA/D;1路12位D/A;3通道16位定时计数器;DI:6CH,DO:6CH。 1500元PC-6310.12位32通道A/D,100kHz。