应中国市政工程华北设计院和天津市煤气学会的邀请,西德卡尔斯鲁卡大学化工系燃烧工程教授W.Leuckel及助手刘燕松于8月23日至9月10日来津讲学,主要讲学内容为燃烧工程理论,工业煤气及应用特性等。 会议有高等院校、研究设计单位、各大煤气公司、燃具设备厂等共五十余名代表参
At the invitation of North China Municipal Engineering Design Institute and Tianjin Gas Institute, Professor W. Leuckel, professor of combustion engineering at the Department of Chemical Engineering of West Kalusuka University, and his assistant Liu Yansong came to Tianjin to give lectures and lectures from August 23 to September 10, For combustion engineering theory, industrial gas and application characteristics. The meeting there are institutions of higher learning, research and design units, major gas companies, gas appliance equipment factory, a total of more than 50 representatives