Dai Naidie’s Translation spirit:A Heart Only Beats For China

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  【Abstract】Through long-term’s practice and precipitation, Gladys Yang had a strong interest in literature, encyclopedic knowledge, broad vision and cross-cultural communication. She can directly appreciate and convey the most profound, the most primitive cultural spirit and connotation to China. Gladys Yang obtained its character, its spirit, its integrity from the Chinese classics and also she obtained the essence of freedom and equality from the western culture.
  【Key words】Dai Naidie; Translation spirit; Patriotism; Dedication and devotion
  1. Translation spirit:Patriotism and self confidence
  The translator spirit refers to a kind of consciousness and thinking embodied in the translation process. The spirit of the translator is the important basis of the translation strategies and the choice motivation. Starting in 1930s,Gladys Yang focused on translations, she introduced more than 100 kinds of Chinese Classics to foreign readers, many of the works can be models of translation works. All the things are related to the understanding and love of national culture of her. Doctor Chen Yuan said, “She’s a translator with an utter innocence for the job ever since the twentieth century.” The reason why Chen says “utter innocence” is that Gladys paid almost her later half life to translation career. After graduating from University of Oxford, Gladys gave up the opportunity to work in Harvard University and decided to return to the battlefield of China. Gladys said, “After graduation, I will return to China, and I never doubted.” A reporter who ever interviewed her said, “Gladys’ heart beats only for China , including her husband Yang Xianyi’s, it is two hearts that only beats for China.” In half a century of translation career, Gladys devoted her whole life into the translation of the Chinese tradition and modern literature into English. At the same time, she also introduced many foreign excellent works to China. These excellent works were published in the Chinese literature of English version for nearly 50 years and they once became the ruler and the window of Chinese literature. Besides, self-confidence is also reflected in the practice of Gladys’ translation. Gladys said, “Translation is a tool to communicate with different nationalities, different regions of the people and their thoughts and feelings can be exchanged which means everything can be translated.” She also dared to translate some of the obscure masterpieces, which no one could translate before. Such kind of confidence and courage is worth learning.   2. “Dedication and devotion” in translation work
  Gladys received a Ph. D. degree in literature and history, as well as a major contributor to the translation of Chinese and foreign literature. These achievements and honors are the concrete embodiment of the spirit of professionalism. In the translation of historical works, she always carries on the introduction of the writers and their creation background, to help the readers into the works, which is a rare academic translation habits. In order to make the foreign readers to better understand the connotation of Chinese works, she is always the first to master text, makes it more vivid and lifelike. Her translation of Dream of Red Mansions hit the Chinese literary world at that time and was renowned at home and abroad. Gladys’ spirit of dedication is also reflected in her indifference to fame and fortune. Someone asked her, “In addition to the salary, do you also receive royalties?” She answered, “I translate works during my office time, I had already got the salary, how could I still take royalties?” For millions of translation words, Gladys said there was nothing left to do, and not to leave anything behind. Before Gladys died, there is no more translation and publication books on the shelf of her home, and its collection of antique calligraphy and painting were all donated to the Imperial Palace. So it’s no doubt that Gladys is the China version of Prometheus, the sincere patriotism, and her dedication spirit is worth learning for the late generations.
【Abstract】‘The basic idea behind the turn in the 1980s and 1990s towards Communicative Approaches was that communication was the central aim of human language and, therefore, must be the focus of the
【摘要】在英语教学过程中,充满爱的良好的课堂气氛是进行有效教学的基础,也是学生良好心理健康状态形成的有力保障。广大一线英语教师一直在为之探索,为之实践。在取得了令人欣喜的成绩的同时,也又遇到了一些新的困惑与不解。  【关键词】情感教育 课堂气氛 学习兴趣  心理学家罗杰斯指出:“创设良好的教学气氛,是保持有效教学的主要条件,而这种良好的教学气氛的创设又是以良好的人际关系为基础和前提的。”因此,首先
【摘要】目前的英语书面表达能力教学还存在很多的漏洞,针对这样的漏洞,很多的老师采用了《牛津英语》进行教学,一定程度上提高了学生的英语书面表达能力,但是《牛津英语》毕竟是针对国外学生编辑的,在某些方面不适合完全运用在我们的英语书面表达能力教学上,本文的主要内容就是提出适合本土学生进行英语书面表达能力学习的教学策略。  【关键词】英语书面表达 常见书面表达错误 改进措施  英语的书面表达要求学生成熟掌
【摘要】结合当前初中英语教学中学生两极分化现象严重,学困生对英语学习丧失兴趣的令很多教师头疼的问题,本文拟从注重学困生学习兴趣激发、注重对学困生心理辅导和注重正强化手段运用等方面出发,探讨改进和转化初中英语学困生的有效策略。  【关键词】学困生 改进与转化 策略  相信大部分初中英语教师都有这种感受:在英语教学的起始阶段,学生往往都表现的兴趣盎然,但往往用不了一个学期,学生就会出现严重的两极分化现
【摘要】随着科学技术的发展,社会日益进步,教育资源和教育需求的增长和变化,班级授课制在我区做出的辉煌贡献后逐步显现出其先天的严重不足。教室在班级授课制下,对能力强的学生“吃不饱”,能力欠佳的学生“吃不消”普遍 感到力不从心。分层教学在这种情况下应运而生,成为优化单一班级授课制得有效途径。  【关键词】小学英语 个别差异 分层教学 因材施教  英语作为一门新兴的综合性课程,从跨入小学大门以来,倍受社
【摘要】随着计算机技术的不断发展,电脑和网络在人们工作和生活中的重要性越来越高,2015年,李克强总理在政府工作报告中提出“互联网 ”的行动计划,更是进一步推动了我国互联网时代的发展,各行各业都在进行跨时代性地改革更新,中职英语教学同样如此,无论教学方法方式,还是教学内容,都迎来机遇和挑战。本文就主要以“互联网 ”的提出为切入点,简单阐述了互联网时代对中职英语教学带来的挑战,并针对应当如何应对挑战