Teaching Design

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  一、Analysis of Teaching Contents
  The title of reading is “COMMUNICATION: No Problem?” which comes from the material of English compulsory four,Unit4——Body language.It includes five paragraphs,422 words and tells the story about the students from different countries greet differently,causing some misunderstanding when they see the first time.
  二、Analysis of students
  The students already have a basic understanding of body language.Although their levels are different,they have a strong desire to learn.However,they don’t have a universal understanding about the background of different cultures.
  三、Teaching Aims
  1.Knowledge aims
  a.Grasp the main idea of the text.
  b.Grasp important new words,expressions and sentence structures.
  2.Skills aims
  a.Enable students to understand and express certain body language of different cultures.
  b.Cultivate students’ different reading skills such as word guessing,skimming and scanning.
  3.Emotion and attitude aims
  a.Stimulate students’ interests in learning body language.
  b.Develop students’ ability of cooperative learning.
  4.Cultural consciousness aims
  a.Let Students accept and respect the culture of different countries.
  b.Improve students’ interest in foreign culture.
  四、Teaching focus and teaching difficulty
  1.Teaching focus
  a.Let students know the main idea of the passage.
  b.Let students understand body language used in different countries.
  c.Let students know how to express and act their feeling with body language in different countries.
  2.Teaching Difficulty
  a.Enable students to realize the importance of body language in communication and deal with the difficulties in intercultural communication.
  b.Enable students to act body language appropriately in intercultural communication.
  五、Teaching methods
  Question and answer,individual work,pair work and group work,Task-based method,communicative method and PWP approach.
  六、Teaching Tools
  七、Teaching Procedures
  Step 1 Warming up
  See some pictures on the screen and guess the meanings of them.
  Design purpose:Pictures can stimulate students’ interest and they can get more understanding of body language through discussion.
  Step 2 Pr-reading
  T:There are three questions on the screen.Let’s look at the first question together.And then finish the rest of the questions,you can discuss with your partners.And some of you will be asked to report your work.
  Design purpose:It can activate students’ background information and arose their interest,making them participate in the topic.Besides,it also exercises students’ abilities of expressing themselves and improves their imagination.
  Design purpose:
  Improve students’ skill of reading and let students grasp the main idea at first.Under teacher’s instruction,students can do the right match of each part.
  (1)T or F.(two minutes)
  (2)Complete the chart in groups.
  Design purpose: Improve students’ scanning skills.Two tasks can remind students of the detailed information,increase their motivation and awareness of cooperation and strengthen their ability of cooperation.Scaffolding can reduce the difficulty of the tasks.
  Step 4 Post-reading
  Now suppose you prepare for an interview,what shall you pay special attention to? Discuss with you partners.(6 minutes)
  Design purpose
第一部分S-脯氨酸衍生物催化度洛西汀中间体的不对称合成 度洛西汀为5-羟色胺和去甲肾上腺素再摄取的双重抑制剂。本文设计了以2-噻吩甲醛(b)为起始原料,在手性催化剂的作
摘 要:《英语课程标准》指出:学生的发展是英语课程的出发点和归宿。英语课程在教学目标、教学过程、课程评价和教学资源的开发等方面都突出以学生为主体的思想。课程实施应成为学生在教师指导下构建知识、发展技能、活跃思维、展现个性、发展心智和拓展视野的过程。要充分考虑学生在学习过程、学习方式等方面存在的差异。教学方法、教学资源以及教学评价等方面做到灵活多样,使不同类型的学生都有收益。本文就英语教学评价提出自
摘 要:地理是一门比较重要的学科,该课程在课堂上所涉及的知识面比较广阔。尤其是在高中的课堂上,地理学科相较于其他学科其知识点相对零散,知识体系复杂,因此在高中的整个学习生涯中,地理这一门学科成为影响学生成绩严重的一门学科。为了提高学生的整体成绩,就必须提高高中地理学习的效率,那么该如何提高学生们的学习效率呢?这时候微课就成为人们选择了首要目标之一。微课的使用能有效到提高学生们的学习效率,帮助学生们
摘 要:中职学生上课睡觉、玩手机是比较普遍的一个现象,如果不想方设法改变这个现状,老师再讲的激情四射,同样是一堂无效的课。所以我们要千方百计调动学生在学习过程中的积极性和主动性,努力激发学生的学习兴趣,营造和谐、高效、积极的学习氛围。  关键词:学习氛围;自主学习;参与度  要想达到学生愿意参与、有效参与的目的,教师的课程设计至关重要。课程设计包括结构设计、内容设计、综合设计。课程结构设计包括开始
科幻画是学生在自己已有的生活经验和科技知识的基础上,通过想象和创新思维的发挥来完成的绘画作品。科幻画是学生对未来的生活方式、社会科技发展水平的一种遐想和美好愿景的表达,与其他绘画种类的区别主要在于“科技”和“幻想”上。同时,科幻画无论在绘画内容的描绘上,还是在科技水平的表现上,都具有一定的创新性。因此,科幻画具有科技性、幻想性和创新性的特点。  李政道先生有一句名言:科学与艺术是一枚硬币的两面,连
摘 要:随着新课改的不断深入推广,教师在进行高中英语教学时就需要不断地对其教学方法进行探究与创新,以保证在进行英语教学时能够用最有效的教学方法引导学生在课堂学习中有更高效的学习效率。为了保证学生的“听”、“说”、“读”、“写”的四大英语技能在学习中可以得到全面的培养和提高,教师通常会在教学中用输入学习促进输出学习方法引导学生进行全面的学习,本文就结合自身的英语教学经验,探讨以输入教学为驱动提高英语
摘 要:一个人的教学生涯必经这样三个阶段:关注生存阶段、关注情境阶段和关注学生阶段。专业化成长步伐的快慢与团队教研能力,个人反思习惯有着密切关系。在教学研讨的累积下,个人教训慢慢变成一种集体经验,反思便有了成效,整个教育生命也随之发生了改变。近七年,我便是在教研的作用下,慢慢领悟语文课堂上阅读教学真谛的。平时记录下的教研笔记,也就成了个人“成长三部曲”的一个个注脚。  关键词:小学语文阅读教学;三