数学思想指导数学方法,数学知识服务于数学思想,是数学思想方法的具体体现.在教学过程中,结合教材的内容,结合学生的实际,适当而有效地揭示数学概念,讲清数学方法,渗透数学思想,对于开发学生的智力,培养学生的能力,发展学生的思维,具有十分重要的意义.本文就集合单元的教学,谈谈数学思想方法的挖掘、提炼与渗透.1 挖掘分类讨论的思想方法
Mathematical thinking guides mathematics methods and mathematics knowledge serves mathematics thinking. It is a concrete embodiment of mathematics ideas and methods. In the teaching process, combined with the content of teaching materials, combined with the students’ actual, appropriate and effective mathematic concepts are revealed, the mathematical methods are explained clearly, and Mathematical thinking is of great importance for the development of students’ intelligence, the cultivation of their abilities, and the development of their thinking. This paper focuses on the teaching of the unit and talks about the exploration, refinement, and infiltration of the mathematical thoughts and methods.1. method