战争和流行病疫在二OO三年的春天同时降临。当两河流域的人民正在遭受战火无情的蹂躏时,一场突如其来的疫情风暴让中国民众在直面危机的同时经历心灵的考验、进而反省自身:当你面对非典型肺炎这种有可能导致生命危险的传染性病症,你究竟应该如何应对?怎样的心态和行为才能真正有效地帮助我们走出困境?零点调查与指标数据网最新调查结果显示,目前已有近85%的市民针对非典型肺炎采取有效措施 积极防范。此次调查结果来自上周利用CATI快速电话调查系统针对
The war and pandemic epidemic came together in the spring of 2003. When the people of the two rivers are being mercilessly ravaged by war, a sudden storm of epidemics has caused the Chinese people to experience the test of the soul while facing the crisis and then reflect on themselves: when you face the potential for causing SARS Dangerous contagious disease, how should you deal with? What kind of attitude and behavior can really help us effectively out of the woods? The latest survey results of Zero Survey and Index Data Network show that nearly 85% of the public have taken SARS Effective measures to prevent. The survey results from last week using CATI rapid telephone survey system