淀粉样变(Amyloidosis)是指组织内有淀粉样物质沉着的一种病变。在我国很少见,而鼻咽淀粉样变更为罕见。我们曾见一例,现报道如下。 病者女性,21岁,门诊号A37699;主诉:右侧鼻塞一年,双侧耳鸣半年。体检:一般情况好,鼻咽顶及双侧壁有菜花状肿物并延至右侧口咽后壁,右颈上肿物2×2cm,中等硬,活动,颅神经正常。颅底X线照片未见破坏;鼻咽侧位片见鼻咽顶后壁明显增厚,边界不光滑,呈结节状。因疑鼻咽癌,共行三次鼻咽
Amyloidosis refers to a condition in which there is amyloid deposition in tissues. It is rare in our country, and nasopharyngeal amyloid changes are rare. We have seen one case. The report is as follows. Diseased female, 21 years old, clinic number A37699; chief complaint: right nasal congestion for one year, bilateral tinnitus for six months. Physical examination: The general condition is good. There are cauliflower-like masses on the nasopharyngeal roof and bilateral walls and extend to the right posterior wall of the oropharynx. The upper neck mass is 2×2 cm, moderately stiff and active, and the cranial nerves are normal. No X-ray findings were seen at the base of the skull. The posterior wall of the nasopharyngeal showed a thickening of the posterior wall of the nasopharyngeal. The border was not smooth and nodular. Because of suspected nasopharyngeal carcinoma, a total of three times nasopharyngeal