在厚壁管道对接接头焊接过程的中间射线检验中 ,选用双壁单影的透照方式时 ,宜采用将暗盒贴于管壁外侧方法。此法操作方便 ,检验有效范围大 ,通过选择正确的透照参数 ,可以达到射线照相灵敏度的要求 ;且底片像质指数和黑度都符合要求 ,缺陷影像清晰可见 ,底片质量好。此法也可用于γ源透照。在张家口电厂 5号机主汽管道焊接的中间检验透照结果表明 ,此法是一种值得推广的透照方法。
In the thick-walled pipe butt joint welding process of the middle ray inspection, the choice of double-wall single-shadow transillumination method, it is appropriate to use the cassette attached to the outer wall of the tube method. The method is easy to operate and has a wide valid range of inspection. The correct radiographic parameters can be used to meet the requirements of radiographic sensitivity. The negative index and blackness of the negative film meet the requirements, and the defect image is clearly visible and the quality of the negative film is good. This method can also be used for gamma source transillumination. In the Zhangjiakou Power Plant No. 5, the owner of the steam pipe welding test results show that this is a worthy of promotion of the transparent method.