乌鲁木齐县南山地区,位于天山北坡山麓洪积—冲积扇形地的上部,土壤肥沃,气候冷涼,气温日较差大,日照长,水源充沛,很适宜于春小麦等作物的栽培。但由于地形起伏,坡降较大,加之耕灌不良,耕地跑水、跑土、跑肥,水土流失严重,春小麦产量一直徘徊在较低的水平上。 在毛主席革命路线指引下,一九七四年以来,我们和当地贫下中农一道,在修建水平田的基础上,贯彻农业“八字宪法”,实行科学种田,连续三年夺得了春小麦的高额丰产:一九七四年水西沟公社革命二队200亩平均单产506斤,其中10亩单产916斤;一九七五年板房沟公社建新大队1,500亩平均单产580斤,300亩跨“长江”,117亩超过了
Located in the upper part of the alluvial-alluvial fan at the foothills of the northern slope of Tianshan Mountain, Nanshan region of Urumqi County has fertile soil, cool climate, large temperature difference, long sunshine and abundant water. It is suitable for the cultivation of spring wheat and other crops. However, the yield of spring wheat has been hovering at a relatively low level due to the great fluctuation of the terrain, the large slope decline, and the poor farming practices. Under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line, since 1974, along with the poor and middle-ranking peasants in the region, on the basis of building horizontal fields, we have implemented the “Eight Character Constitution” of agriculture, practiced farming in science and won the high value of spring wheat for three consecutive years High yield: In 1970, the average output of 200 mu of Revolutionary Corps of Shuixigou Commune was 506 kg, of which 10 mu was 916 kg. In 1975, the average production of 1,500 mu of the new brigade built in Banfanggou commune was 580 kg and the cross- Yangtze River ", 117 acres more than